Palm Sunday at Birmingham Oratory

Palm Sunday 2018 Birmingham Oratory

The 10.30 Holy Mass on Palm Sunday at Birmingham Oratory began half an hour early because of the Solemn Procession. 

Wearing red vestments for the first part of the liturgy the palms were blessed by the celebrant, Father Francis Gavin, and then distributed at the altar rail.

Palm Sunday 2018 Birmingham Oratory Palm Sunday 2018 Birmingham Oratory

Father Anton Guziel, who was Deacon for this Holy Mass sang Chapter 21, verses 1-9 of the Gospel according to Saint Mark, after which the invitation was given - “Procedamus in pace” (Let us go forth in peace.)

Palm Sunday 2018 Birmingham Oratory Palm Sunday 2018 Birmingham Oratory

The procession which followed was led by the thurifer with a smoking censer, followed by the Sub-deacon bearing the Processional Cross between two Acolytes carrying lighted candles.

As the congregation followed silently behind, the choir sang appropriate chants “a capella.”

Palm Sunday 2018 Birmingham Oratory Palm Sunday 2018 Birmingham Oratory Palm Sunday 2018 Birmingham Oratory

On returning to the Sanctuary, the Sacred Ministers changed from red to purple vestments for the Mass at which the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ according to St Matthew was beautifully chanted with the choir taking up the responses of the people in perfect harmony.

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