Wednesbury Confirmations

Wednesbury Confirmations


On November 19th, the Church of St Mary on the Hill was the venue for a Holy Mass during which eighteen young people (mostly from St Mary’s Primary School) received the Sacrament of Confirmation.

The Holy Mass and Confirmations at the Wednesbury Church were presided over by Bishop David McGough, assisted by Father Paul Lester.

During the homily, Bishop McGough told the confirmandi, "The Holy Spirit is always there.  When Jesus was baptised by John the Baptist in the Jordan, we hear of God’s voice from Heaven, and the Holy Spirit was seen coming down on Him."

"When Jesus stood up for the first time to teach in his own synagogue, his own local church, the very first words he spoke were these, 'the Holy Spirit has been given to you.'"

"What we celebrate today is that Spirit that was given to Jesus, that Spirit that was given to Mary.  That same Spirit is given to us," he stressed.  

At the end of the Holy Mass, His Lordship said, "I just want to thank each one of those confirmed and congratulate you." 

He thanked the local school and all those involved with the preparation for the Sacrament for "such a wonderful wonderful job."

Then speaking diectly to the congregation, Auxiliary Bishop of Birmingham David McGough spoke about Father Lester's upcoming Induction. He told parishioners, “He will look after you, [and] I am sure that you also will play your part in looking after him.


St Mary's Primary School Head Teacher Gary Linford said, "It was a joy to welcome Bishop David McGough to school on Friday for his usual pre-Confirmation discussion with the children.  He was very keen to learn about the children's chosen Saints' names, and certainly deepened the children's understanding by sharing his insight and knowledge with them."

"Thank you to all who helped to prepare the children in some way - the parents, the sponsors, the teachers and support staff"