Don't hide your Catholic Faith! - There is a solution to Holy Days Absence!

By Józef Łopuszyński

The Problem

For 2015 the Bishops' Conference of England & Wales has decreed that apart from Sundays and Christmas day, there will be NO Holidays of Obligation until 2016.

This year, the Solemnities  of All Saints and Sts Peter & Paul naturally fall on Sunday.

In addition, the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary is transferred from 15th August to the nearest Sunday (August 16th)

A Solution

However, there is an immediate solution to this. Find a church in your area at which Tridentine Masses are celebrated. If a Tridentine Mass is being celebrated on the day that would normally be a Holy Day of Obligation, then the Mass as of the day WILL be celebrated as it would have been in 1962.

For example, the evening Mass at Birmingham Oratory on January 6th was a Solemn High Mass celebrating the Feast of the Epiphany of the Lord. The Feast of the Epiphany was also celebrated at many other churches in England & Wales on Tuesday 6th January (in the Tridentine Rite) including the Dome of Home in New Brighton.

On this site, we hope to include details of Holy Day Masses in England & Wales which are being celebrated on the "correct" day. Details will be posted nearer to the date of each Holy Day.

Note: "SSPX" Tridentine Masses ARE NOT LICIT, so be careful under what auspices the Tridentine Mass is being said.

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