The IVth International Congress of the Apostles of Divine Mercy,
Łagiewniki, Poland
A Bootle lady has returned from the IVth International Congress of the Apostles of Divine Mercy, Poland, with a candle lit by a flame taken from a flame on a candle originally lit by Pope St John Paul II.
Delegate Mary Fenerty explains, “The Congress held in Łagiewniki - was attended by people from all over the world, even as far away Australia and Argentina. “
“Each day at 12 noon there was Holy Mass where representatives from different countries took part in the liturgy, and each afternoon we all took part in the ‘Hour of Mercy’. “
“Cardinal Stanisław Dziwisz, the Archbishop of Krakow opened the Congress by giving a talk of the ‘unusual ways of Karol Wojtyła to Divine Mercy.’ “
“Personal testimonies by bishops from Reykjavik Iceland, Romania and Russia followed, and Sister Maria Elżbeta Siepak, ZMBM spoke about ‘Christian Mercy in the Diary of Sister Faustina and in the teaching of John Paul II.’ “
“Prof Jan D Szczurek talked about the ‘Truth on God and man in the light of the mystery of Divine Mercy’ and this was followed by Archbishop Stanisław Nowak from Częstochowa who discussed the ‘Feast of Divine Mercy and the Pastoral Consequences.’ “
“On the final day, Rev Prof Jan Machniak, the Rector of the International Academy of Divine Mercy, gave an account on why Saint Sister Faustina should be considered a Doctor of the Church. There was the opportunity to give a testimony of Divine Mercy and I presented my talk on the work I do for Divine Mercy in England. There were other testimonies from Australia, Germany, North and South America and Africa.
“After the ‘Hour of Mercy’ on the final day, together with representatives from other countries, I received a lighted candle. This candle was lit from the sanctuary light by the Tabernacle which St John Paul II lit on his very last visit to Łagiewniki. The Cardinal gave me this candle as a ‘spark’ to ignite the flame of Divine Mercy in my country. “