Secular Britain and the Task of the Laity
On 7th May, Anthony Hofler gave a talk entitled "Secular Britain and the Task of the Laity" at Maryvale Community Centre, Old Oscott Hill, Kingstanding, Birmingham.
During the talk, Anthony Hofler made reference to various teaching materials of the church including the Catechism of Christian Doctrine (Penny Catechism), and the Vatican II documents Dei Verbum, Lumen Gentium and Apostolicam Actuositatem.
He also made use of the Catechism of the Catholic Church and the booklet Doorway to Faith, Part 4.
Afterwards Mr. Hofler explained, "Church documents make crystal-clear that the laity's task is to Catholicise society's thinking, customs, laws, and structures. If mentioned at all, this is typically expressed in sedative terms, evading focused conflict with secularism. To do their counter-revolutionary duty, Catholics need inspiration, not sedation."