28th September, 2013  Wolverhampton Parishioners Renew Marriage Vows

Wolverhampton Deanery Parishioners renew Marriage Vows

By Józef Łopuszyński

On Saturday afternoon, parishioners from St Michael’s,  St Christopher’s and St Thomas of Canterbury’s Roman Catholic Churches in the Wolverhampton Deanery came together to renew their marriage vows.

Parish Priest of St Christopher’s Father Dominic Chukka, who hosted the Holy Mass said, “We got together to celebrate Marriage in the ‘Year of Faith.’”

The Liturgy team and myself felt that it was important to hold this event, so encouraging all those married people, praying for them, asking God’s blessings upon them and their children.”

“There’s so many we have in this Parish celebrating their Golden Jubilee, Silver Jubilee and all those years.”

“[Wolverhampton Dean] Father Brendan spoke beautifully asking them to bring their prayer life into their families and in the beautiful celebration we prayed for everybody, and they renewed their vows, also remembering God’s covenant with us and we making that covenant showing our obedience and love by following His ways and His commands.”

To watch a short video clip, please click on the photograph at the top of this page. This was originally recorded in HD with 5.1 Surround Sound. (Please be patient as this may take a few moments to process!)

Wolverhampton Deanery Parishioners renew Marriage Vows