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30th June 2013  Walsall Corpus Christi Procession

by Józef Łopuszyński

The Catholic Community of Walsall filled Park Street as they processed to the Town Centre in a traditional Corpus Christi Procession on Sunday 30th June.

The Archbishop of Birmingham, Bernard Longley, carried the Sacred Host in a monstrance in solemn procession to the centre of town where the people were blessed with the same Sacred Host.

During his short homily at the Bridge, Archbishop Longley said, “We give thanks for the gift of Faith in the Eucharist which enables us to see that through the power of the Holy Spirit, simple gifts of bread and wine have been transformed into the Real Presence of the Lord. In truth His Body and Blood given for us.”

Following the event, Walsall Dean Father Michael Leadbeater commented, “A high-point in the Year of Faith for Walsall Catholics was a Procession of the Blessed Sacrament through the centre of the town led by the Archbishop of Birmingham.”

“Almost 800 people covering the whole length of Park Street walked in bright sunshine to the Bridge for Benediction.”

“A leading part in the acts of adoration was worship offered by the people of the Syro-Malabar Rite, adding colour and joy to the occasion.  Everyone was delighted by the experience which strengthened the faith and the bonds of the parishes in the Deanery.”